Sainte Trinité – B

Jan Polack (1450-1519), Gnadenstuhl / Trinity (An iconographical representation of the Trinity in which God the Father holds Christ the son, either on a cross or after the crucifixion, and the Holy Spirit appears near or on God's shoulder in the form of a dove)
Jan Polack (1450-1519), Gnadenstuhl / Trinity (An iconographical representation of the Trinity in which God the Father holds Christ the son, either on a cross or after the crucifixion, and the Holy Spirit appears near or on God’s shoulder in the form of a dove)

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity – B

Kutsal Üçlü Birlik Görkemli Bayramı – B

Santissima Trinità – Solennità – B


Notre Seigneur Jésus Christ Roi de l’Univers – 34ème Dimanche du Temps Ordinaire – A

Christ divides the sheep from the kids / Cristo divide le pecore dai capretti (Unknown, 6th century mosiac in Basilica of Saint Apollinare Nuovo, Italy)
Christ divides the sheep from the kids / Cristo divide le pecore dai capretti (Unknown, 6th century mosaic in Basilica of Saint Apollinare Nuovo, Italy)

Mesih İsa Evrenin Kralı Bayramı – Olağan devre – 34. Pazar Günü – A

Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo Re dell’Universo – 34ª Domenica del Tempo Ordinario – A

The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe – 34rd Sunday of Ordinary Time – A
