Fr. Marcelo Antonio Cisneros OFM, parish priest of the Church of Mater Dolorosa Katolik Kilisesi in Samsun (Turkey),died on 14th of December 2022 due to broken abdominal aortic aneurysm, at age 64.  

Our brother, fr. Marcelo Antonio Cisneros OFM, parish priest of the Church of Mater Dolorosa Katolik Kilisesi in Samsun (Turkey),died on morning of 14th of December 2022 due to broken abdominal aortic aneurysm, at age 64.  

The Holy Funeral Mass will take place on Tuesday, 20th of December 2022 at 18.00 in the Church of Santa Maria Draperis in Istanbul.

Tonight, Dec. 7, 2022, at 6 p.m. Msgr. PALINURO will preside over the Holy Mass of Thanksgiving in Saint-Esprit Cathedral on the first anniversary of his episcopal consecration.

Last year on the evening of Dec. 7, 2021, the eve of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the episcopal consecration of our Bishop H.E. Most Rev. Msgr. Massimiliano PALINURO, Vicar Apostolic of Istanbul, took place.
Tonight, Dec. 7, 2022, at 6 p.m. Msgr. PALINURO will preside over the Holy Mass of Thanksgiving in Saint-Esprit Cathedral on the first anniversary of his episcopal consecration. We are invited to join him in the prayer of thanksgiving. May the Lord, through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate, give him grace and health and keep him long in His service in guiding the faithful entrusted to his care.


Mons. Kmetec said that “The whole nation was shocked and deeply sadden by the appalling news of the bomb blast on last Sunday, 13th November, 2022 at Istanbul’s Istiklal Avenue that left at least six people dead and 81 injured. On behalf of all the Bishops of Turkey and the Christian Community our deepest condolences and sympathies with the begrieve families at the loss of precious lives and we pray for the speedy recovery of the injured” in his message.

“We are all endowed by Allah the spirit of tranquility and the responsibility to take care of the beautiful earth given to us, let us keep it safe from all harm. May Allah transform the hearts of all who are gone astray and are cause of pain and suffering for others, may they live and work for peace”.


On 7-9 October 2022 the Synodal Conference of the Church in Turkey took place at the Archdiocese of Izmir, which saw the meeting of the representatives of all the people of God who live in this land under the guidance of the Spirit in the certainty that he still has much to say to our Churches as it was two thousand years ago.

This significant ecclesial meeting took place in a context of listening, discussion and prayer and conceived in continuity with the synodal path in recent months that has taken place at the diocesan and national level as desired by Pope Francis.
In the course of his homily, the Patriarch recalled the fundamental aspects of the dogma of divine motherhood and emphasized that “the synodality that exists in the Church can truly be compared to the harmony and concord that reigns among the Persons of the Trinity”.
The first day of work coincided with the traditional memory of the Council of Ephesus, which in 431 the divine motherhood of Mary was dogmatically defined. The celebration of the Eucharist was presided over by the Apostolic Nuncio in Turkey Msgr. Marek Solczyński. It celebrated in the ruins of the ancient basilica built on the site where the Council of Ephesus was gathered.
The importance of becoming a Christian community more and more capable of interacting with the local culture, without prejudices and closures, more willing to welcome all those who draw close to it, and capable of an effective proclamation of the Gospel because it is alive, was emphasized in particular.

Vatican Ambassador to Ankara, H. E. Mons. Solczynski presented his letter of credence to President Erdoğan

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received Vatican Ambassador to Ankara Mons. Marek Solczynski at the Presidential Complex.

Ambassador Solczynski presented his letter of credence to President Erdoğan at the reception. Ambassador Solczynski introduced some embassy members to President Erdoğan.