30ª Domenica del Tempo Ordinario – A
30ème Semaine du Temps Ordinaire – A
Olağan devre – 30. Pazar Günü – A
CET - Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu
Türkiye Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu -|- Թուրքիոյ Կաթողիկէ Եպիսկոպոսներու Համաժողով -|- Conférence Episcopale de Turquie -|- Conference of Catholic Bishops in Turkey -|- Conferenza Episcopale Turchia -|- مؤتمر الأساقفة الكاثوليك في تركيا
30ª Domenica del Tempo Ordinario – A
30ème Semaine du Temps Ordinaire – A
Olağan devre – 30. Pazar Günü – A
In his message to the President of Turkey, Mons. Martin wrote that “On the happy occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Republic of Türkiye, I would like to
offer you the fervent good wishes of the Bishops and all Catholic Christians living in this nation”.
The Church in Turkey stands with all suffering people.
29ª Domenica del Tempo Ordinario – A
29ème Semaine du Temps Ordinaire – A
Olağan devre – 29. Pazar Günü – A
28ª Domenica del Tempo Ordinario – A
Olağan devre – 28. Pazar Günü – A
28ème Semaine du Temps Ordinaire – A
27ª Domenica del Tempo Ordinario – A
Olağan devre – 27. Pazar Günü – A
27ème Semaine du Temps Ordinaire – A