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CET - Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu
Türkiye Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu -|- Թուրքիոյ Կաթողիկէ Եպիսկոպոսներու Համաժողով -|- Conférence Episcopale de Turquie -|- Conference of Catholic Bishops in Turkey -|- Conferenza Episcopale Turchia -|- مؤتمر الأساقفة الكاثوليك في تركيا
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We learned with joy the news of the election of Msgr. Sabri Anar. We thank the Lord for the gift of a new pastor to the Chaldean Catholic Church in Türkiye.
(Original in Turkish)
+ Martin Kmetec OFMConv
Metropolitan Archbishop of Izmir
President of the CET
The Synod of the Church of Baghdad of the Chaldeans has elected Rev. father Sabri Anar as Archbishop of Diyarbakır (Amida) of the Chaldeans in Türkiye; this election was approved by his Holiness Pope Francis. Rev. Fr. Sabri Anar was currently the parish priest of the Chaldean community of Arnaouville (France).
Curriculum vitae
Mons. Sabri Anar was born on 1st of January 1966 in Uludere, Turkey. He studied at the Franciscan Minor Seminary in Istanbul and later, in 1985, entered the Chaldean Patriarchal Seminary in Baghdad.
On 10th of November 1990, he received priestly ordination in Paris, where he began his pastoral service for the Chaldean community of the Île de France region. From 1990 to 2006 he was parish vicar of St. Thomas Apôtre in Sarcelles and subsequently become the parish priest of the same church.
Since 2016 he has overseen the Church of St. Jean Apôtre in Arnouville.
In 2017 he was appointed Corepiscopo in the Chaldean Church. He holds a Masters in Catechetics at the Institut Catholique de Paris.
22 Mayıs 2023 Yazarı: Şule Rogenbuke
P. Alessandro, the National Delegate for International Eucharist Congress entrusted to the intercession of St. Paschal Baylon, a franciscan religious who lived in Spain in 16th century, the way of the International Eucharistic Congress which will be held in Quito in 2024 and also the 1st National Eucharistic Congress of the Church of Turkey.
Rabbin göğe çıkşı – A
Ascensione – A
Ascension – A
6ª Domenica di Pasqua
6ème Dimanche de Pâques
Paskalya Devresi – 6. Pazar Günü – A
Paskalya Devresi – 5. Pazar Günü – A
5ª Domenica di Pasqua
5ème Dimanche de Pâques