Paskalya Devresi – 3. Pazar Günü
3ª Domenica di Pasqua
3ème Dimanche de Pâques
CET - Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu
Türkiye Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu -|- Թուրքիոյ Կաթողիկէ Եպիսկոպոսներու Համաժողով -|- Conférence Episcopale de Turquie -|- Conference of Catholic Bishops in Turkey -|- Conferenza Episcopale Turchia -|- مؤتمر الأساقفة الكاثوليك في تركيا
Paskalya Devresi – 3. Pazar Günü
3ª Domenica di Pasqua
3ème Dimanche de Pâques
Paskalya Devresi – 2. Pazar Günü
2ª Domenica di Pasqua – della Divina Misericordia
2ème Dimanche de Pâques ou de la Divine Miséricorde
Résurrection du Seigneur
Paskalya Bayramı
Domenica di Pasqua – Resurrezione del Signore
Zeytin Dalı Pazarı
Dimanche des Rameaux et de la Passion du Seigneur
Domenica delle Palme – Passione del Signore
Zeytin Dalı Pazarı
Dimanche des Rameaux et de la Passion du Seigneur
Domenica delle Palme – Passione del Signore
The Apostolic Vicar of Istanbul H.E. Monsignor Massimiliano Palinuro, made his first official visit to the Haghia Triada Church of Taksim with the priests who accompanied him and the members of the community of the Latin Catholic Church of Istanbul.
The meeting took place as part of the preparations for the theme of Synod on Synodality that His Holiness Pope Francis initiated on 10 October 2021.
5ème Dimanche de Carême
5ª Domenica di Quaresima
Paskalya’ya Hazırlık Devresi 5. Pazar Günü