Kutsal Aile Bayramı
Festa della Sacra Famiglia
La Sainte Famille
CET - Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu
Türkiye Katolik Ruhani Reisler Kurulu -|- Թուրքիոյ Կաթողիկէ Եպիսկոպոսներու Համաժողով -|- Conférence Episcopale de Turquie -|- Conference of Catholic Bishops in Turkey -|- Conferenza Episcopale Turchia -|- مؤتمر الأساقفة الكاثوليك في تركيا
Kutsal Aile Bayramı
Festa della Sacra Famiglia
La Sainte Famille
Dear all,
tomorrow, on 22.12.2021, for the occasion of the first anniversary of the death of Mons.Ruben Tierrablanca OFM, I also want to invite you to the cemetery in Feriköy where at the tomb of the Friars Minor at 17.00 a special prayer in memory of Mons.Ruben will take place with the blessing of the tomb and deposition of flowers.
After this prayer, the Holy Mass will be celebrated in the cathedral at 6.00 pm, as has already been announced.
fr. Pawel Szymala OFMCap
Noel’e Hazırlık Devresi 4. Pazar Günü – C
4ème Dimanche de l’Avent
4ª Domenica di Avvento
3ème Dimanche de l’Avent
3ª Domenica di Avvento
Noel’e Hazırlık Devresi 3. Pazar Günü
2ème Dimanche de l’Avent
2ª Domenica di Avvento
Noel’e Hazırlık Devresi 2. Pazar Günü